Your Guide to Paraneoplastic Syndrome.
Your go-to resource for everything related to paraneoplastic syndrome, from people who have experienced it firsthand.
with PNS
antibodies being tested
without cancer diagnosis
B., Australia
I was 29 years old when I passed out suddenly and out of no where. This followed with an on-set of neurological symptoms that felt like I was having strokes and seizures and included numbness on the right side of my body, feeling like I was on drugs, slurring of my speech, drooping of my face, paralysis of my arm and legs, brain zaps that felt like electric shocks to my brain, pins and needles in the extreme on my skull/tongue/eyeballs and limbs. Due to normal MRI’s/CT scans and blood tests, I was told repeatedly I was experiencing migraines or anxiety. This persisted for 7 months and worsened to the point I was no longer able to drive or do any of the regular activities I was previously able to do until one day I tested highly positive for anti-yo antibodies. This test was repeated 4x times and confirmed as all tests were positive. Once this was confirmed and I realised I was experiencing paraneoplastic syndrome, I found this community on Facebook and realised I wasn’t alone, but finding paraneoplastic literate doctors willing to treat the symptoms before cancer is found is still very difficult which is why this community is so important.
Patient’s story
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Patient’s story
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Potenti tincidunt arcu euismod amet ac curabitur iaculis in ut aliquet facilisis pharetra, pharetra dolor scelerisque.
Sem volutpat nec bibendum nec viverra rutrum
Ipsum amet, ultrices suscipit eu eget tortor a, tincidunt urna, mattis aliquam duis eget luctus id.
Congue faucibus magna in
Non faucibus tincidunt commodo est arcu ipsum augue ipsum at vitae, nunc purus erat sem leo fames facilisis scelerisque sagittis, quam vitae.